الأحد، 26 فبراير 2012

Business Pressures, Organizational Responses, and IT Support

Business Pressures, Organizational Responses, and IT Support

Business Pressures:

The environment of business includes many factors, such as, social, legal, economic, and so on. These factors combine together and create what is called Business Pressure. There are three types of business pressures:

1-      Market Pressures:  generated by :
The global economy and strong competition: cost of labor is very important impact on the global market which most workers moved to countries that have low costs. Although higher labor costs are in developed countries, these countries provide lots of services for their labor. IT has helped to implement these services.

The changing nature of the workforce: workers have diversified through the periods; there are women, single parents and minorities’ employees. IT has helped people to work while they are at home and it has made the integration so easily.

Powerful customers: customers can control the market because they become more knowledgeable than before. They even use the internet to find out about the quality and the prices of the products. So, companies are trying their best to meet customer’s demand. Customer intimacy is part of customer relationship management which helps the company to maximize customer’s experience.

2-      Technology Pressures: two major technology-related pressures:
Technological Innovation and Obsolescence: many companies fight to attract more customers, they come up with new ideas to take advantages from competition market. So, they started to create new products and making processes to innovate these products. These processes called creative tension.

Information Overload: the huge amount of information through the internet and any other telecommunication organizations. For managers, to be effective and efficiency, they must access and utilize these vast stores of data.

3-      Societal/ political/ Legal pressures:
Social Responsibility: social issues are ranging from the physical environment of the organization and individual to education. So, lots of companies are spending more time or money to solve social problems and this called organizational social responsibility or individual social responsibility. IT has helped in this side by created organization of IT green. The main social problem is Digital Divide which shows the gap among people who are using information technology and people who are not. So, companies are trying to close this gap by producing suitable products from both.

Compliance with Government Regulations and Deregulation: many companies have businesses which related to health, safety, environmental control and equal opportunity. The process to be complaint is expensive and time-consuming. So, these organizations relay on IT to support and provide the information of complaint.

Protection against Terrorist Attacks: in competition environment, most companies face terrorist attack from others. So, IT helps these companies to protect themselves by providing security systems and possibly identifying pattern.

Ethical Issues: many organizations face the problems of employees’ behavior which can damage the picture of the organization. The usage of IT has helped to store customers’ data in private and public database. Even so, the process of monitoring has become more available. 

Organizational Responses:

These responses are implementing by using the IT.
1-      Strategic Systems: are the plans of the organization which provide benefits for increasing the profit and better negotiate to suppliers and attract customers. They use IT to help them achieving these benefits.
2-      Customer Focus: organizations provide customer services to attract customers or keep them on hand or even loss them to other competitors. So they use IT and many process designs to keep the customer and make him happy, e.g. amazon website and Dell.
3-      Make-to-Order and Mass Customization: the business problem is how companies manufacture customization good efficiently. So they find a solution by converting the process from mass production to customization production. Mass production is to produce large quantity of identical items but Customization production is to produce as customer’s order (make-to-order) to satisfy his needs.
4-      E-Business and E-Commerce: most of organizations tend to manage their processes and data by using IT approach. Even they use it to manage the pressures.

الجمعة، 24 فبراير 2012

أسباب نجاح شركة جوجل

اهم الاسباب التي تجعل محرك البحث العالمي جوجل يستحوذ علي الشبكة العنكبوتية اول صفحتك علي النت محرك بحث جوجل Google search engine . لان جوجل خفيف وسريع التصفح عن الياهوا وام اس ان. لان جوجل متخصص …الياهوا …ام اس ان يقدمون خدمات اخري لكن. لان جوجل يدعم. كل لغات العالم. ومتاح لكل الجنسيات وسريع البحث. لان جوجل يطور من نفسه في تقنيه البحث وبداء يقراء معظم لغات البي اتش بي او كلها تقريبا وهذا بختلاف عن باقي محركات البحث. لان جوجل محرك بحث ذكي يسهل عليك البحث عن باقي المحركت كمثال …ان بحثت عن كلمه وغلط في حرف دون قصد جوجل يصحح لك الكلمه ….ان بحث عن شئ في جوجل السعوديه مثلا واخطائط وكتبت بالانجليزيه جوجل يظهر لك. النتائج عربيه بالكلمه التي انتا تقصدها وهذا لانك تبحث في بلد عربيه وجوجل يفهم هذا . جوجل بداء ان يفهم اسلوب المد في الكلمه مثل والحروف الطويله والزائده ويعطيك النتيجه المرضيه. وهو شئ مهم جدا ان جوجل يعرفك الموقع التي قد تضر جهازك الكمبيوتر الخاص بيك وتنبهك قبل الدخول مرتين.
كثير جدا تري محركات بحث مختلفة بكل اللغات هل فكرت ان تستخدمة؟ او تبحث فية! الفكرة لم تأتي لك ابدا بالطبع. واذا استخدمة سوف تلجاء لجوجل في امور اخري مثل الترجمة او مشاهدة مقطع فيديو علي فيديو جوجل! لانك لم تجد ايمكانيات ومواصفات تلبي مطالبك مثل ترجمة والفيديو والتعدد في اللغة. فلن تري شئ غير جوجل امامك وجوجل لا يضع لك خيار اخري. ولا مجال للتفكير حتي.
كل شخص يبحث عن شئ محدد وهدف في راسة. سواء ان كان هذا البحث عن مادة علمية او عملية او دينية او ادبية او ثقافية او ان كان محتوي تافة او غير مهم. فعلي العم جوجل تلبية مطالب البحث التي تم وضعها وتم الضغط علي زر البحث عنها. فأذا اخطاء في حرف لغوي او بكلمة كاملة يصحح لك خطائك. هل تقصد …….! انت تخطاء ولكن جوجل لا يقع في الخطاء الاملائي. بل علية ان يصحح اخطائك. فاذا اردت ان تترجم مقال او جملة او كلمة فهذا متوفر بكل سهولة. انت لا تمتلك العلم لكل للغات العالم. ولكن جوجل استطع ان يوفر لك كل هذه الخواص التي لم يجمعها مركز بحث اخر. اذا اردت البحث عن فيديو فعليك بفيدو جوجل ومقاطع الفيديو. واذا اردت البحث عن صورة فعليك بجوجل صور. بذك جوجل خصص لكل شئ محرك بحث منعزل. رغم ان محرك البحث نفسة يأدي الغرض بكل سهولة دون عناء. فبعد كل هذه الخوائص والايمكانيات التي يوفرها لك جوجل ماذا تستخدم غيرة محرك بحث. والتطوير مستمر بكل شئ من تعديلات الي الافضل ومن اضافات اشياء جديدة تخدم المجتمعات والشبكات افراد وشركات.

الأحد، 19 فبراير 2012

Business Processes and Business Process Management

Business Processes and Business Process Management

The main concept of business processes is that all related activities which are collected to produce goods and provide services. The processes are not only combination of inputs and outputs for producing the products but it is also the improvement of these products, such as, designing, manufacturing, engineering, marketing and distribution.
Every sector or organization needs to be successful. So, creating competitive advantages should be done by innovate or execute better than others. Many organizations promote their products via the Internet, sell the products and make ads.

Business processes can be organized under many measures:
-          Customer’s satisfaction.
-          Cost reduction.
-          Fulfillment time.
-          Quality.
-          Differentiation.
-          Productivity.

The authors (Michael Hammer & James Champy) of the book “Reengineering the corporation” said that the main key for radical changes is Information Technology, which helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. As a result, many processes have been succeeding in inverting organization business from their tasks to their business processes. Because of business process management, many organizations become less radical, less disruptive and more incremental was developed. Business process management refers to how the organization manages its processes. In other words, it is management technique that involves methods and tool to support the design, analysis, implementation and management of business process.

Advantages of business process management:
-          Reduce the cost of the company and increase its revenue.
-          Create competitive by improving organizational flexibility.
-          Provide cost benefits and increase customer’s satisfaction.

Information systems: concepts and definition

The main aim for information systems is to provide the right information to the right people at the right time in the right amount and in the right format.

Data: primarily description of things, events, numbers, sounds and activities which are stored but not organized.
Information: data are organized, so it has meaning and value.
Knowledge: data or information which are organized and processed through an experience.

Information technology architecture: plan or map of the information assets in an organization. It focuses on the need for the information. It shows how all aspects of the information technology fit together in the organization.
Information technology infrastructure: physical facilities, IT components, IT services and IT personnel which support the organization.

الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

How successful are you? Find out now

Are you successful? First, you'd have to define exactly what that means. For some, it means climbing the ladder in your profession. For others, it's buying a nice home. And for someone else, maybe it means raising a family.
Whatever success may mean to you, do you consider yourself a success?

You only have one life. If you feel like you want MORE and deserve like I once did, I have something very special for you. It's called “Love Yourself, Love Your Health.”

When you order your copy of “Love Yourself, Love Your Health,” you learn:
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  • The 5 ingredients of success, why they’re important, and how to develop each one 
  • The 7 key health habits that help you live a longer, better life
  • ONE thing you can do each morning that has, in studies, made people brighter, more creative and more intelligent throughout the day
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what is so special about information systems?

It is the back bone of any business in the world. It is like human body .The whole parts should work together in order to do their activities in the best way. If any part of it get ill, the body cannot work without it. Information System ( I.S) is contained from five parts; people, software, hardware, database and networks .they work effectively with each other to reach their aims and goals. 
The purposes of Information System: 
1- Interact with people. 
2- Control the performance of business processes. 
3- Organized process. 
4- Collecting , storing and spread information
it is like updating yourself.

it is important to point out that INFS means to provide the right information to the right person at the right time.